6 Days on the 4th Floor: My Life of Certified Insanity (Day 2 – Part 2)
When Day 2 of my time on the 4th Floor ward started out, I had been certified by a single signature of an ER doctor. It was supported by a five minute discussion with a psychiatrist who wanted to observe me for a month. I would later find out she has a hearing problem. I…
6 Days on the 4th Floor: My Life of Certified Insanity (Day 2 – Part 1)
On the second day of my detainment strange things began to be revealed. I had a rough sleep my first night. I had been removed from my home and family over idle threats uttered on Twitter, which are covered under free speech and protected as such. Threats uttered out of frustration, bitterness or despair are…
6 Days on the 4th Floor: My Life of Certified Insanity (Day 1)
I write this post in the hopes that people will gain further understanding of why I did what I did. We’ve gone so far astray from what made us human we’re practically robots, going through the motions of being people. We care more about our possessions and our immediate family than we do about our…
6 Days on the 4th Floor: Interlude
The ‘thought police’ have appeared to tell me to stop putting my story out there. I’ve since had my Internet and phone cut, but I won’t recant a single word. It’s hard to question the system when you rely on it for your basic truths. It’s easier to do so when you’ve got little left…
6 Days on the 4th Floor: My Life as an Activist (Part 2)
When I first filed the charges against our sitting Prime Minister and then Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, I realized I would come across as being a little naïve. However, I wanted to stick a pin into that moment of time so it would be recorded and remembered. What I didn’t expect was the extents…
6 Days on the 4th Floor: My Life as an Activist (Part 1)
My life as a political and human rights activist began as a transition from my life as a social entrepreneur which began as a tangent from my life as a pet owner. I broke this section into two parts to give it a full airing of the details. It might be a little much for…
6 Days on the 4th Floor: My Life as a Criminal
There is a lot of background information that is needed to fully understand what happened the day I was pulled into detainment by the RNC. A lot of the information is available online, but I’ll try to quickly summarize it for those who haven’t been following along very closely. My name is Andrew Abbass. I’m…
6 Days on the 4th Floor: The Preamble
I’ll begin my story with the day that I was pulled in, but the roots of that day were set down much earlier than that. Back in July of 2014 I filed charges of advocating genocide against our current Prime Minister and then Foreign Affairs Minister, John Baird. The charges were summarily dismissed less than…